We want to make theater that makes people feel alive.
We want to do our job: move people.
We want to have a good time.
We want all of this so badly, one could say that we are foaming at the mouth.
We would like to acknowledge that our performances take place in the traditional, ancestral and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabe, the Council of the Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi nations, among many others.
We also recognize that the city of Chicago stands on this land by way of forced removal, ethnic cleansing and genocide, as does the rest of our country.
Native communities and indigenous people continue to thrive in the area and the United States. To learn more about the ground on which you stand please visit https://www.ala.org/aboutala/offices/diversity/chicago-indigenous (https://www.ala.org/aboutala/offices/diversity/chicago-indigenous).
mad world,
mad kings,
mad hangovers.
hear the bard’s underdog history like you’ve never heard it before (and never will again, we promise.)
directors: gabriel anderle, jack oleg, jillian rowe
company: gabriel anderle, jack oleg, jillian rowe, haley bolithon, hannah eisendrath, sunnie eraso, jake griffith, kelly gross, may heinecke, ellis meyers, dina perez, mcguire price, william rushman, honora smith
may 19 // may 20 // 8 p.m.
isabel lee roden
with support from
jillian rowe
william rushman
henry david silberstein
jake griffith
gabriel anderle
i’m from: the shores of lake michigan (like an aphrodite sitch)
actor: A Christmas Carol, Our Town (Milwaukee Rep); Troilus and Cressida (Dowling Studio at Guthrie Theater); As You Like It, The Old Man and the Old Moon (Door Shakespeare); Goosebumps the Musical (First Stage Children’s Theater)
theater….maker?: Judgment Day (Chicago Shakespeare Theater); Highway Patrol (Goodman Theatre); Valor (Guthrie Theater)
arts admin……???: Merchandise Associate at Steppenwolf Theatre Company.
what‘s next: whatever makes sense
education: Acting, BFA (UMN / Guthrie Theater BFA Actor Training Program); Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, BFA (UMN College of Liberal Arts)
website: gabrielanderle.com
ig: @gabriel.anderle
enneagram: a social 8 (and don’t you forget it)
i’d like to thank: my mother for birthing me into a life hopelessly fated for making theater; my friends who inspire, challenge, and uplift; lake michigan; zev, maizie, and isabelle (my cats, duh)
i’m sorry and you’re welcome
Producer (F@TM) // Director/Playwright/Gian (Gian and Leonardo) // Jude (The Artists) // Director/Bastard (King John)
emMa craig
i’m from: West Coast
recent credits: Medea, Bye Bye Dolly (a devised piece), Pericles (University of Minnesota BFA Acting); King Henry V (Royal Shakespeare Company Education), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (The Jones Classical Theater)
what‘s next: This summer I will be playing Kelly Reeves in a production of “It Wasn’t Murder?” at The Plymouth Playhouse.
education: Incoming Senior at the University of Minnesota BFA Acting Trainer Program
star sign: Libra ;)
i’d like to thank: Gabe Anderle for letting me tag-a-long for the ride and to my bank account for not crashing during this adventure.
Fil (Gian and Leonardo
Haley bolithon
i’m from: I was born in Australia, grew up in Japan for 10 years, Chicago for 13 years after that, my mom is Dutch-American and my dad is Fijian!
Theatre: Revolution (u/s), Grey House, The Haven Place (A Red Orchid Theatre), Philoctetes (Proboscis Theatre Co.), The Mall, The Mall, The Mall (Once Future Festival), Henry V, Hatfield & McCoy,
The Nutcracker (The House Theatre of Chicago), A Christmas Carol (Goodman Theatre).
TV/Film: Somebody Somewhere (HBO), Work In Progress (Showtime Network), Knives and Skin (Chicago Film Project).
what’s next: I will be in the Festival of Unfinished Works come June with my theatre company Bramble Theatre Company (in our brand new space in Andersonville)!
education: School at Steppenwolf
representation: Stewart Talent
website: https://www.haleybolithon.com/
myers-briggs: i'm a big ol infp
i’d like to thank: My family, my boyfriend, my lovely friends.
Eleanor (King John)
SunNie ErasO
i’m from: new jersey
recent credits: baked! (theo ubique), winter’s tale (backroom shakes), cowboy bob, expect victory (amtp), lucy and charlie’s honeymoon (asst. dir, lookingglass). recently i’ve been journaling a lot about divine dissatisfaction.
what’s next: taming of the shrew (backroom shakes), working on my
gwen stefani puppet play, and the joys of chicago summer
education: northwestern b.a.
representation: ddo chicago / vision entertainment
website: sunnieeraso.com
star sign:gemini moon
ig: @sunnieraso
i’d like to thank: you!
Lewis (King John)
HAnNah eisendrath
i’m from: Literally, Chicago. Spiritually, a bed of moss
chicago: Measure for Measure, (Forest Park Theatre); Gut (Platform/Avalanche Theatre) Shakespeare’s R&J, Jack Off the Beanstalk (PrideArts).
regional: HAIR (Parallel 45 Theatre); A Doll’s House, Part 2 (Interlochen Summer Festival).
television: The Blacklist (NBC); One of the Boys (Indie).
what‘s next: Wisconsin Shakespeare Festival
education: BA Theatre & PoliSci, Bard College
representation: Talent X Alexander
ig: @hannah.eisendrath
sun/moon/rising: Virgo Sun, Cap Moon, Scorpio Rising
i’d like to thank: Isabel for bringing me along!
Farrah (The Artists) // Pembroke (King John)
coleson eldredge
i’m from: The pits of hell or Salt Lake City, Utah
recent credits: A Christmas Carol (Guthrie); Uncle Vanya, Anne Boleyn (UMN/Guthrie BFA)
what‘s next: Move to New York!!!!
education: UMN Guthrie BFA Acting Training Program
website: https://www.umnbfa2024.com/coleson-eldredge
ig: @coleson.eldredge
star sign: Scorpio!
i’d like to thank: you. duh
Leo (Gian and Leonardo)
lynsY folckomer
i’m from: Brevard, North Carolina
recent credits: Working as a theatre and tv/film artist in Chicagoland- I contain multitudes and dabble in acting, directing and sound work, though nothing is off limits. Look me up!
what‘s next: Eat something yummy probably and maybe get a drink
education: BFA in Acting- the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University
star sign: Aquarius
i’d like to thank: Isabel Roden for asking me to direct this piece and all the actors and creative team for being wonderful and talented.
Director (The Artists)
zoe Foster
Cece (Gian and Leonardo)
kelLy Jacqueline
i’m from: lake zurich, il
recent credits: the drowsy chaperone (surging films & theatrics), the jacaranda tree (black cat theatre), a midsummer night's dream (big noise theatre), a christmas carol (metropolis)
what’s next: directing camp rock with skyline children's theater
education: ba in acting, illinois state university 2020
ig: @kellyjacqueline_
sun/moon/rising: pisces/aries/libra
i’d like to thank: my incredible pals, my wonderful girlfriend, & anyone who has ever been a cheerleader for me :)
Cardinal Pandulph/citizen (King John)
i’m from: chicago
recent credits: What We Built (Pegasus Theatre); Skin, Body Positivity (Fat Theatre Project); Mrs. Claus (Chicago Kids Company)
what’s next: Medea with A Bump in the Night Theatre Company this summer (:
education: BFA in Musical Theatre with a Music Minor
representation: Lily’s Talent
website: https://dinaperezmusical.wixsite.com/website
ig: @msdinaperez
sun/moon/rising: Aquarius/Leo/Scorpio Rising
i’d like to thank: all my family and friends, especially my mom, Jackie, Isabelle, Hannah and Drakey
Melun/Lady Faulconbridge (King John)
isabel LeE roden
i’m from: Madison, WI
regional theater: Shakespeare LIVE! A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare LIVE! Julius Caesar (The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey); Shakespeare's R+J (PrideArts), Troilus & Cressida, The School for Lies (The Guthrie Dowling Studio), The Usses, Tha Ch*nk Mart (Playwrights' Center), The Tempest (Oak Park Festival Theatre)
tv/film: Chicago Fire s12 e5 (NBC); Moondays (Atlantic Pictures); The Clean Up (Pratt Institute), Black Girls Don't Get Love (Black Girls WILL Get Love Inc.); Behold, A Pale House (DreamFuel Media)
what‘s next: Viola in Twelfth Night, Malcolm in Macbeth, and Margaret in Sense & Sensibility at the Illinois Shakespeare Festival!
education: UMN Guthrie BFA Actor Training Program
representation: Lily's Talent
website: isabelleeroden.com
ig: @isabel.roden
sun/moon/rising: Capricorn sun/Taurus moon/Capricorn Rising
i’d like to thank: the f@tm team, cast, producers, lovers all!
mahal kita! enjoy the show <3
Producer (F@TM) // Playwright/Lennox (The Artists)
jake griffith
Producing Associate (F@TM) //
Philip (King John)
nelsoN nwachukwu
Asher (The Artists)
jack oleg
i’m from: Kanash City, Russia / Deer Park, IL.
recent credits: Casey and Diana (American Players Theater); Twelfth Night (Gray Mallard Theater Company); Keep Your Head Above Water So As Not To Drown (Powerhouse Theater). Steppenwolf's newest barista (;
education: University of Minnesota/Guthrie Theater B.F.A. Actor Training Program
ig: @jack0leg
enneagram: 5w4
i’d like to thank: You for your presence and generosity.
Producer (F@TM) // Ludovico (Gian and Leonardo) // Sage (The Artists) // Director/Hubert (King John)
mcGUIRE Price
i’m from: Alabama
recent credits: Women Beware Women (Blue in the Right Way), Sweet 15 (Jesse), Two Gentlemen of Verona (Proteus at Alabama Shakespeare Festival), Gruesome Playground Injuries (Doug), some recent Northwestern credits include Lungs (M), In His Hands (Father), and Buried Child (Bradley),
what’s next: Probably gonna watch alot of movies
education: Northwestern University
representation: Big Mouth Talent
ig: @mcguireprice
star sign: Aquarius (Sun), Sag (moon), Taurus (rising)
i’d like to thank: Everybody involved with the festival, my roommates, family, and Greta Gerwig
Stage Directions/Others (Gian and Leonardo)
Salisbury (King John)
Leo rossmilLer
what‘s next: working on a new play called Only Ugly Guys going up at Open Eye There (minneapolis) the week of June 25th
education: UMN Guth 23
representation: Moore Creative Talent
ig: @leo.rossmiller
sun/moon/rising: taurus/scorpio/gemini
i’d like to thank: mom, dad, and charli xcx
Stef (Gian and Leonardo)
jilLian ROwe
i’m from: Irmo, South Carolina
recent credits: Agamemnon in Troilus and Cressida, Masha in Moscow x6 (UMN/Guthrie Theater)
what‘s next: Catch her on the Chicago river giving architecture boat tours, teaching elementary school kids the complicated rhythms of Encanto (thanks for that Lin Manuel), or stacking (literal) bread at Trader Joe's.
education: South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities and University of Minnesota Guthrie Theater BFA/Actor Training Program
i’d like to thank: your mom. JK. My mom, a woman who helps me choose the bigger life (because sometimes I'm too scared to choose it for myself). And anyone who has shown me small kindnesses because these days I'm feeling very very tender for friends, family, strangers on the street.
Producing Associate (F@TM) // Casey (The Artists) // Director/Constance (King John)
wilLiam rushman
i’m from: the land of 10,000 lakes! (or minnesota, if that’s your thing)
recent credits: Troilus and Cressida (The Dowling Studio at the Guthrie Theater)
education: BFA in Acting from the University of Minnesota / Guthrie Theater Actor Training Program
star sign: capricorn
i’m from: the land of 10,000 lakes! (or minnesota, if that’s your thing)
recent credits: Troilus and Cressida (The Dowling Studio at the Guthrie Theater)
education: BFA in Acting from the University of Minnesota / Guthrie Theater Actor Training Program
star sign: capricorn
enneagram: 7
i‘d like to thank: my beautiful family, my amazing friends, and my pet snake romeo
Producing Associate (F@TM) // Donny (Gian and Leonardo) // King John (King John)
HENRy DAVID SilbersteiN
i’m from: chicago by way of jersey
recent credits: Much Ado About Nothing, Man for All Seasons, Shakespeare Live! 2024 Touring Company (The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey); As You Like it, Much Ado About Nothing (Cape Cod Shakespeare Festival in Chatham); A Christmas Carol (Guthrie Theater)
what‘s next: Will be back at CCSFC this summer as Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet and Antonio in The Tempest!
education: UMN/Guthrie BFA Actor Training Program
ig: @henrydsilb
sun/moon/rising: Aries/Scorpio/Libra
i’d like to thank: my Silberstein clan.
Producing Associate (F@TM) // Stage Manager/Stage Directions (The Artists)
honora smith
i’m from: Minneapolis, Minnesota
recent credits: Hamlet, Medea (Columbia College Chicago)
what‘s next: Later this summer I’ll be re-potting my plants.
education: Current student at Columbia College Chicago
ig: @honoraleigh
i’d like to thank: My friends for being talented/funny/candid. Love you all!
Essex/Robert (King John)
liLah weisman
i’m from: los angeles, CA – but most people would say I'm from the pacific northwest
recent fave credits: Lauren in Kinky Boots, Phoebe in As You Like It (Door Shakespeare), Ted in Peter and the Starcatcher. what else.........? last fall I directed a song cycle "Shine like a Lake" with Northwestern's Jewish Theatre Ensemble. And currently I'm the student producer of the Agnes Nixon Festival of New Plays @ NU (they don't call me lilah "new work" weisman for nothing!)
what‘s next: graduate, move into a chicago apartment, fuck around and find out
that's not true I have one imminent prospect – I'm teaching kids computer programming and
music this summer (at the same time) (multi-hyphenate)
education: Northwestern University
website: lilahweisman.com
ig: @lilahkw
star sign: virgo/libra cusp (but like......virgo)
i’d like to thank: my mom and dad for like literally every aspect of my existence and ability to pursue theatre, Gabe for welcoming me IN, parmesan cheese, (sorry idk how serious this is), sunshine
Director/Bianca (Gian and Leonardo)